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Copyright (Prawa autorskie)

Co to znaczy, że na naszej stronie nie ma oznaczenia praw autorskich?

To znaczy, że możesz wziąć wszystko z tej strony, korzystać z tego, kopiować, tłumaczyć a nawet dostosowywać. Nie musisz pytać o pozwolenie. Oczywiście chętnie usłyszymy, co z tym robisz. Więc jeśli dostosowałeś materiały fajnie byłoby gdybyś skontaktował się z nami i przysłał swoje wersje!

Dlaczego dajecie wszystko bez ograniczeń związanych z prawami autorskimi?

We believe that this reflects the character of God’s kingdom. Jesus says in Matthew 10:8, “Freely you have received; freely give.”

It’s not our property

If I make a resource for building God’s kingdom, then God is the author and it is His property. How can I claim it as my intellectual property?

We do not want to control

Copyright is an instrument to maintain control over how others can use my work. I restrict the spreading of it, requiring others to ask for my permission if they want to copy it. This makes multiplication impossible or at least slows it down. Instead, we want to give control to God alone.

Also, copyright is a legal instrument. This means that if someone is violating my copyright rules, I could possibly open a legal case and sue him. We believe this would contradict 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 – disputes in the body of Christ are not to be resolved in front of worldly courts. Also, it doesn’t fit the example of Paul in Philippians 1:18.

We want cooperation, quality, and efficiency

Copyright has three main consequences:

Limited cooperation
I can’t just copy the results from someone else and build upon them.
Mediocre quality
Everyone has to start from scratch again.
Wasted time
It takes time to read through mediocre resources, it takes time to start from scratch, it takes time to ask for permissions, and so on.

Our goal is the opposite. We want you to be able to concentrate your energy on making disciples of Jesus.
We believe that having a clear statement on permissions is helpful. That’s why you will find a small footnote on every worksheet, saying that there are no restrictions whatsoever. We decided for Creative Commons Zero (CC0), waiving all our rights and dedicating everything to the public domain.