Version 0.7 ⚠

English original: 1.2 Link to English PDF


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يسمح بنشرها و التعديل عليها. نسخة 1.2

New headline

Version 0.7 ⚠

English original: 1.2 Link to English PDF

Version 0.7 ⚠
Here is details.

Church as a family

When we accept God’s offer and are reborn, we become a member of God’s family. Every spiritual child needs a spiritual family. God is our heavenly father, and as followers of Jesus, we are like brothers and sisters. Family means a safe place to grow and to learn who we are as children of God. Family provides care, and we learn how to live in relationships.

Church as a body


The New Testament describes the relationship between Jesus and His followers: We are the body of Jesus. A body means that everyone is a part and has a special role. Jesus is the head; we need to be connected to Him so that He can coordinate everything and lead us. We’re supposed to work together just like a body does. That way we resemble Jesus and He can work through us.

Church as a team


A team is a group of people who decide to work together for a common vision. They train together and do whatever is necessary to reach the goal. Jesus wants His church to be united for His kingdom. He shows us who we could build a team with and who should train us.

Church as a family When we accept God’s offer and are reborn, we become a member of God’s family. Every spiritual child needs a spiritual family. God is our heavenly father, and as followers of Jesus, we are like brothers and sisters. Family means a safe place to grow and to learn who we are as children of God. Family provides care, and we learn how to live in relationships.


Church as a body

The New Testament describes the relationship between Jesus and His followers: We are the body of Jesus. A body means that everyone is a part and has a special role. Jesus is the head; we need to be connected to Him so that He can coordinate everything and lead us. We’re supposed to work together just like a body does. That way we resemble Jesus and He can work through us.


Church as a team

A team is a group of people who decide to work together for a common vision. They train together and do whatever is necessary to reach the goal. Jesus wants His church to be united for His kingdom. He shows us who we could build a team with and who should train us.


​شيسبكمشينبتكم كشمسيبت كمنشيب​


السلام عليك وووووووو
اااليكم تكم


القلب. كيف حالك؟


اليد. مذا تعمل؟

Test with a table


Head-32.png السلام عليك وووووووو

اااليكم تكم

Heart-32.png كشميبتكشمنيبتكشمسب كشنيبتكم
Hands-32.png كشمسيت كشمبت كمشنيب كمنشيب كمشنيبتك نيب


Bibelbücher: mit Template

  1. Matthew
  2. Acts

Bibelbücher: ohne Template

  1. Matthew
  2. Acts

Bibelbücher: ohne Template mit einer Leerzeile

  1. Matthew
  1. Acts

Test page

Neue evangelistische Übersetzung

Das ist die tolle Übersetzung.

It is freely available in the following ways:

Three Thirds Process

This is a paragraph explaining something about this genius process. This is used as a test for the translation feature. Awesome. Why do we do it? Because we want multiplication! More bang for your buck!

  1. How are you?
  2. Accountability
  3. Vision
  4. Worship
  5. Lesson
  6. Practice
  7. Setting goals
  8. Prayer


​نْ يَكْتُمُ خَطَايَاهُ لاَ يَنْجَحُ، وَمَنْ يُقِرُّ بِهَا وَيَتْرُكُهَا يُرْحَمُ.​

(سفر الأمثال 28: 13)