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Urdu (language code: ur; autonym: اردو) is spoken by around 150 million people mainly in Pakistan and some areas of India. It is usually written from right to left with Persian/Arabic script, but in India it is also sometimes written from left to right in Devanagari (Hindi) script. For more information see Wikipedia:Urdu

Urdu Bible translations

A recommendable Urdu Bible translation is the "Urdu Geo Version".

Urdu Geo Version

The website http://www.urdugeoversion.com/ is the main source for this translation where you can view or download it in PDF format and also find further information. It is also available in Devanagari (Hindi) script.

It is freely available in the following ways:

Jesus Film

Available training resources in Urdu

There are no training resources available in Urdu yet.